Smart, Simple Coverage Starts Here

Protection for your family, your business & your personal identity

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"It was awesome! The Provider Firm that I spoke to was great and the cost of this service is great, too. My wife, kids and I have a Provider Firm in the palm of our hands. For $29.95/mo., the investment is well worth it."
Anthony L.
Texas Member

Testimonials are from LegalShield members who may also be LegalShield independent associates. An associate is an independent contractor. The outcome and experience of any individual member will vary dependent on the facts and applicable law.

Get ready to be your own boss

LegalShield offers motivated individuals a unique program designed to deliver their dreams. Over the last 50 years, people from every walk of life have joined our community and its mission to empower and protect. Are you ready to level up your life? 

A Sadri

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